Happy Birthday, Isaiah {You are Six}!
My handsome little dude. It’s your day.

Happy Birthday, Isaiah {You are Six}
Here are all your previous birthday letters, Zay:
- Happy Birthday, Isaiah {You are One}
- {You are Two}
- Happy Birthday, Isaiah {You are Three}
- {You are Four}
- Happy Birthday,Isaiah {You are Five}
And today is six.

Dear Isaiah,
Someday you will have all these letters to look back upon.
Here’s what I want you to know about this day, on the morning that you turned six.
You were up first this morning. And though we haven’t been doing much TV lately, I told you that if you got yourself dressed, I’d let you watch whatever show you wanted until it was time to go to school.
So you dressed yourself:
- a gray and navy blue sweatshirt
- with your Paw Patrol blue t-shirt underneath
- gray sweatpants that are too short for you
I mentioned, “….but Isaiah, aren’t those pants too small?”
You responded, “Yes, but I like them and I make the rules today because it’s my birthday.”
And then, you wanted me to briefly cuddle on the couch with you while you watched your show.
It was all short-lived, but so many things about this morning scene are true and telling from your past year.

You Currently
This is your life currently:
- Trucks of all sorts; playing with them on the ground and countertops for hours on end.
- The boat – the boat – the boat; you are obsessed. We recently told you the horsepower number on our semi-of-a pontoon. You’re now fixated on it, asking me again last night what the number is.
- Have an adoration for winter hats and boots, no matter what the weather is like outside.
- You always want to make the rules; you don’t believe you necessarily have to follow them, but you will certainly enforce them.
- Amiya and Samarah; you love them both one second, then neither the next.
- While the Danes are good to and for you, you prefer little Georgie. And she prefers you!
- Eat more than anyone in this house; yes, probably even Daddy.
- We read you a book once and you have it memorized; or you hear a preferred song once and also have it memorized.
- You love “lamb-y” and “stuffies” in general.
- The Woody Wood Pecker laugh is still a highlight in my day.
- Your stories, one-liners, and comments are second to none.
- I still think of you as baby Hercules. The older you get, the more I see it.
- You are highly active; jumping on the trampoline, riding your bike around the lake, zooming around the driveway with your sisters, swimming like a dolphin, and running at every chance you get.
- Love, love, love your cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, and anyone else in our tight knit family and friends group.

Mama’s Boy
You are fairly adamant that one night daddy reads to you, the next mama does. Again, you like things a certain way, and you like keeping us both happy.
However, though I believe your daddy is something extra special to you, this past year you have become a mama’s boy in a whole new way.
And here’s the truth, Zay – I am so grateful for it.

It has taken you and I a very long time to arrive here.
But this past year has seen massive growth and a new relationship that I adore.
I find you sweet, intriguing, hilarious, and smart.

You are wildly complex and yet I believe I’m starting to grasp that complexity.
On the way to school today you told me you want Boathouse for dinner with dessert there, too. Then, you want to go for a boat ride and have cotton candy for your bedtime snack.
Okay, we’ll make sure that all happens, buddy. I mean, except for your cotton candy bedtime snack. I don’t think so 🙂
I love you so much, buddy. While so much of me wants to keep you five forever, I know you are going to do such amazing things in your sixth year. And we can’t wait to watch you do them!

Love always, Mama
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