2:34 am and the words – if not now, when? come dancing, ever so sneaky, through my mind.
I wake up.
Which isn’t unusual these days.
For one, the inefficiencies of my HPA-axis (adrenal fatigue for those who aren’t here to judge the term) have me waking up at all of the wee-morning hours.
And for two, my Great Dane snores while the little Peekepoo shifts about me all night long.
But regardless, I am awake.
And my mind begins to race once those 4 words grace it.
So I get up, and I finally make some sort of timeline for the book I will write.
At the end of that last book post, I stated:
p.s. While I don’t have a SET timeline (at least not yet), I still want accountability. I’m trying to figure out a structure for this. Is it by keeping people updated here? Or through my email newsletter (which I rarely write to currently btw)? Or?
I am the Accountability
When I set out to do something, I typically always achieve it.
Even if it’s slow and go.
Because I am my own best accountability partner.
So here is the structure I set and will navigate.

12-Month Writing Timeline
[Month 1-2: Foundation and Planning.]
Month 1: Foundation and Theme Development, February, 2025
- Create a memory bank: List significant life events, turning points, and key characters
- Decide on the main theme, and what I hope a reader could take from the book
- Develop a rough chronological outline
- Begin daily writing exercises (15-30 minutes) to develop my writing voice for this type of book
- Start collecting supporting materials (photos, letters, journals)
Note: During this month, I’m taking a solo trip to Arizona where I’ll be able to really get clear on all of this.
Of special and significant importance and research relating to the book I’m desiring to write:
- Research philosophical and religious perspectives on time
- Create mind maps connecting your life stories to aspects of time (waiting, timing, seasons, divine timing)
- Outline major themes: patience, divine timing, life seasons, perfect moments
- List personal stories that illustrate each theme
- Develop your book’s unique perspective on time
- Create chapter framework based on time concepts rather than chronology
- Begin collecting quotes, scriptures, and wisdom about time
- Start journaling daily about time-related epiphanies
Month 2: Research and Story Collection, March, 2025
- Read key works about time (philosophical, spiritual, scientific)
- Organize into potential chapters by personal stories rather than chronology?
- Create detailed chapter outlines connecting themes to stories
- Establish my writing schedule and daily word count goals
- Set up writing space and tools – aka organizing everything digitally
Month 3: Framework Writing, April, 2025
- Write introduction establishing my perspective on time
- Develop theoretical framework for each chapter
- Create transitions between philosophical insights and personal stories
- Draft chapter openings that introduce each time concept
Month 4 – 5: Story Development, May – June, 2025
- Write personal stories with emphasis on time elements
- Develop scenes that illustrate divine timing
- Create reflection sections after each story
- Connect personal experiences to universal truths about time
Month 6: Connecting Threads, July, 2025
- Weave philosophical insights throughout narratives
- Add scholarly and spiritual perspectives
- Develop metaphors and analogies about time
- Write reflection questions for readers
Month 7: First Round Revisions, August, 2025
- Ensure balance between personal stories and time insights
- Strengthen theme connections
- Add sensory details to stories
- Verify philosophical and scholarly references
Month 8: Deepening the Message, September, 2025
- Add reader application sections
- Develop practical exercises about time awareness
- Possibly: Write meditation or reflection prompts
- Possibly: Create journaling questions for readers
Month 9: Beta Reader Phase, October, 2025
- Share with diverse readers (spiritual seekers, memoir lovers, philosophy readers)
- Collect feedback on theme clarity
- Assess story-message alignment
- Gather input on practical applications
Note: Honestly? Not sure how much of this I will do. Instead, I might just opt to send it to a proofreader.
Month 10: Integration, November, 2025
- Incorporate beta reader feedback and/or proofreader feedback
- Strengthen theme-story connections
- Develop discussion guide
Month 12: Completion, January, 2025
- Final proofreading
- Write foreword and acknowledgments
- Develop marketing materials emphasizing unique approach
- Create book proposal highlighting market position
- Decide on publishing options
If Not Now, When?
This is the book I’ve wanted to write since 2016.
This past month has reminded me that no one is guaranteed tomorrow.
And where we are healthy, vibrant, and strong one day can completely change the next.
Through reflection and getting quiet with myself, I clearly see –
I will never have today back; how am I making it count?
Right here. Doing this. All of it. Somehow, and in some way.
Seems like it will count.
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