You are right where you need to be. And I am, too.
I’ve been stewing over A Thyme for Milk and Honey like crazy.
Something about it was not working for me.
Do you remember last week in Christmas Bonus when I said,
Christmas Bonus was not supposed to be the post to re-launch A Thyme for Milk and Honey.
I guess that’s probably the point. A topic for another day coming soon.
I’ve had about a hundred ideas for things to write and share in the past week alone, but the pinging thoughts just stayed locked up.
…because I was trying to find a place to get to instead of staying in my current place.
End goal here? Let me be perfectly honest and transparent with you:
I want to write a book with the title – you guessed it,
A Thyme for Milk and Honey.
The idea behind the book is a full, comprehensive and exhaustive (and I mean that in the best possible way) life story. There will be stories never told, and it all aligns with ‘everything is beautiful in its time.’
Now that that’s clear, I’ve been fixated on how does this website need to lay out in order to arrive there?
But here’s the thing. I’m NOT READY to be there yet; to tell those stories and to write that full book.
It’s not time.

Right Where You Need to Be
And when I realized this, it hit me.
This whole idea of trying to be somewhere else when it’s not yet time is something most everyone who will read this website struggles with. If you really sit back and think about it, you’ll find that hard to deny.
So instead of trying to get there, I’m celebrating being here.
And this is what here is and means in this season of A Thyme for Milk and Honey.
*** In other words, this is what the website is all about. All of the below are tabs (pages and/or categories) you’ll find on this site.

Navigating A Thyme for Milk and Honey
- Go North. See that tab? This is where we physically live in the United States. When we lived out West, I swear everyone cringed when they heard we were moving back. “Are you nuts? It’s cold and boring there.” Here we are, two years later; living, loving, and thriving in the North.
- Travel. We love to travel. And by “we,” I mean….me, alone, Ryan and I, Ryan, alone, and/or our entire family.
- Motherhood. I’ve got stories from the ‘hood that could go on for days. I’ve never read a parenting book or manual. It probably shows, and I couldn’t care less. Also, there is adoption under motherhood. Some might ask, “What about foster-adoption?” In this season of life it didn’t make sense to focus on foster-adoption.
- Milk and Honey. This is going to be some straight talk. I’ll explain when I get it together and the actual page is something more than the blank canvas it is currently.
- Soulful Sunday. 100% faith-based. I’m not leaving faith out of this story – ever. But let’s be clear that I’m not talking religion; I’m talking faith.
- Stay Awhile. Everything in and under this tab is about an invitation for you to hang out here whenever and wherever desired. The topics (as of now) include: our home, lake living, gatherings, She Shed, and kid’s parties. These are the cozy, more extroverted, elements to my and our life. By the way, HI, I’m 1,000% introverted. I’d choose to stay at home over go out and socialize any day of the year.
- About. Yeah, just what this site is all about. And no, there is nothing there yet. Wait, I lied. There is. It says this, “You might be an artist who would like to introduce yourself and your work here or maybe you’re a business with a mission to describe.” I’m an artist, for sure. 🙂 (I cannot even draw a stick person.)
- FAQ. Yes, of course the FAQ will get put up at some point because there are always a handful of questions that get asked over-and-over again. I’m not mad; just not wanting to type the same response out in the same ways I tell my children the same thing in fifty different ways. You know?
- Wellness Thyme. Honestly, there isn’t likely to be much about wellness on A Thyme for Milk and Honey. And in case you’re wondering why, it’s because I spend 96.2% of my life wrapped up in an awesome wellness world I call A Gutsy Girl. Therefore, if and when you need that in your life, just go there.
- Shop. What kind of website would this be without the massive commercialism that is the 2000’s? I’m kidding, but only kind of. We’ll see what becomes of this. I’ve got ideas; it’s just not critical.
- Creative Business. You may be reading this with the desire to live more right now by escaping some sort of right now doldrum. That doldrum is typically your career – the job you despise with a work schedule that’s not conducive to fully living. I know how to help. And I’m going to help. I mean, as soon as I get my s#$% together on this site.

Freakin’ Chaos
Nope. Listen, the website is still not done. No one cares.
And if you do, I’m not your cup of tea anyways. There is still ad lib and most of the pages and the categories contain no posts.
The navigation on both the top and bottom are not the way I want them to be.
The logo that’s up on the page is clearly not my logo because obviously the colors are way out of alignment with the branding colors I’ve set for this website. Because, yes, yes I have made some sense out of certain pieces. The branding colors are one.
I think the freakin’ chaos mixed with this true sense of purpose I feel when writing here is exactly the point.
And if you, too, are wanting to just be where you’re at right now, then come along this journey with me. Because there will always be a thyme for milk and honey….
Maybe just not today.
4 Responses
🙏🥰🤗 Sending so many blessings and prayers your way! So happy to see your journey!
Thanks love!!!
This is absolutely me and my journey right now!.. same same but different. I love your ideas and the fact you’re just taking action and not waiting for it to be perfect! Look forward to following along concurrently 🙂
Thank you so much. Great to have you here!