I love these words when thinking of weddings, “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.”
And actually, each time I look at my new piece I think of the saying.
Anyways, it seemed fitting as a title for today, too, because my brother and his (now) fiancé (!) Kim got engaged some over a week ago. To say we are excited would be a massive understatement. I’m literally beaming with joy for the both of them.
Also, Mom and Dad celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary November 8th. If Dad was still alive, he would have likely gotten Mom a nice card with some cash and taken her to the Legion for beers and grub. Wait, no he would not have because he would never have worn a mask.
Anyways, I digress.
In the spirit of weddings, my something old, something new is quite timely.
Something Old, Something New
Click HERE to save something old, something new for later.

The Main Entry
I always wondered what people meant when they said they were, “looking for the perfect piece for a specific place in a certain room.”
Like…..what? Just put something there that you enjoy and call it a day, right?
Now I get it.
When you first walk into the main door of our house, there is a large area to your right and also one to your left.
They only sort of match. Visually, they look fairly similar, but their dimensions and the angles are nowhere near the same.
My MIL did a great job with matching pieces on both sides.
I was in struggles-ville trying to figure out what to do.
I had a cool, old blue ladder that I bought in California in one of the corners, but it just wasn’t sitting right. There was something that felt very “off,” though I could never put my finger on it.
So I left the ladder there.
Enter SummerHouse Farm
Until one day when I went into the incredible SummerHouse Farm.
And there she was, sitting and staring at me with her chipped paint and lovely farmhouse vintage features.

I instantly thought of the space where the blue ladder was.
Only it wasn’t that easy. This piece is fairly large, so I didn’t want to get it home and have it not fit.

I meticulously measured the piece at SummerHouse.
Then, I went home and asked my mom 7,000 questions about translating those measurements into the space where I wanted to place it.

After several days, I came to the conclusion that it would fit – just barely – and perfectly.
So we bought it.
And my GOSH……isn’t she lovely?

Now, I do realize some things about her:
- Nah, she’s not for everyone.
- She’s old.
- This piece is actually meant for the kitchen. See that big drawer above that’s open? Yeah, that used to be for flour (you know, back in the day when flour wasn’t highly processed – wink).

But I am totally in love!
There is so much charm and character in this piece…..nothing like a DIY Ikea fixture.
Here she was, all dressed up for fall.

Contained within the space was (because I’ve already begun holiday decorations!)…..
something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue
And also, I now understand what they mean when they say, “I’m looking for the perfect piece for a specific place in a certain room.”

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