Today you are five, Amiya.
This past year has been truly something else with you. The ups and the downs, but mostly the growth.

You Are Five, Amiya
Here are all your previous birthday letters, Princess:
And today is five.

Dear Amiya,
The world is so much more colorful with you in it.
I’m serious! Here are your favorite outfit concoctions that you rarely ever deviate from:
- dresses
- nightgown dresses (yes, you’ll wear them to school, too)
- anything pink and purple
- never jeans
- leggings; usually the more color the better
- mis-matched everything

All things girly-girl are you, and though that is probably the most unsuspecting thing about you, we love it.
Here is your life currently today at 5:
- you’re still obsessed with that butterfly sweatshirt I mentioned last birthday post
- your smile lights up any room you walk into
- the voice you own is totally and 100% your own – it’s loud and proud
- energy is something you never seek to find
- it’s hard for you to sit still for even a few seconds
- you were born for action, movement, and if your brother Isaiah is Baby Hercules, then you are Baby Herculita on steroids
- when you talk in full sentences we wonder if you’re 5 or 13?!
- singing and dancing are all you
- you love being the center of attention; see the black and white picture in this post? YOU stole my phone when I wasn’t looking and took a selfie – no clue how you did it like that
- if you could sit in a bucket full of treats, the bucket would include: suckers, gummy bears, marshmallows, and more suckers
- you are still highly sensory-driven; we are all working on it and helping you find the appropriate ways for getting everything you need
- accident-prone should be your middle name – see that big scar in some of these pictures? Well, you got frustrated at school, pulled something off the wall and it sliced you. That first day it was horrid, but we have healed up so well!
- one of those ways has been a trampoline, which you could jump on for hours
- you love when Daddy reads you books at night before bed
- nail polish is a girl’s best friend, according to you
- Poochie is your favorite stuffed animal
- Mama thinks you give the best hugs

Oh, Maya
This past year saw a heck ton of growth. We have been learning along with you as you grow. We are desperate to be the very best we can for you.
The way you love (you literally tell me, I love you, Mama, approximately 32 times a day) is priceless. Your zest for life and each new day is something I wish I could mirror better. You get so excited about every little thing, and for you, the days just sort of all mesh together as one big playground.

We love you so, so, so much!
I hope you never stop being exactly who you are.
Xox, Mama
p.s. I’m going to write this at the bottom of each of your birthday posts. Once your birthday is done, you have all gone through another year. Samarah starts you all over in September. So here it is today…..
Holy moly! Today we now have a 5, 6, and 7-year-old in the house. Let the record show (to look back on years to come) that we also have a 2-year old puppy, and two massive 4-year-old Great Danes living under this roof as well. (Also, your “other” sister Ceci will be 22 next week!)

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