Happy Birthday, Isaiah {You are Eight}!
Dude – Zay – my little bestie – today you are eight.
Happy Birthday, Isaiah {You are Eight}
Here are all your previous birthday letters, Zay:
- Happy Birthday, Isaiah {You are One}
- {You are Two}
- Happy Birthday, Isaiah {You are Three}
- {You are Four}
- Happy Birthday, Isaiah {You are Five}
- {You are Six}
- Happy Birthday, Isaiah {You are Seven}
And today is eight.
Dear Isaiah,
Today you are eight. I’ve been saying all day, like the super-nerd mama I am, “Today you are eight. And eight is great.”
This is your first birthday letter where you will not see any pictures of yourself. Mama decided that this would be the year (in 2023) where I stopped showing your pictures online.
And damn I’m grateful for that.
Keeping you tight to my vest is exactly how it should be.
But believe me, we got plenty of pictures today.
Your day went like this:
- You woke up and took full control of the TV remotes and your iPad. You made sure Maya knew that she was not able to play any songs that annoyed you.
- Mommy and daddy took you to get a new bike. You chose a blue one, of course with a kickstand because, duh, who would ever get a bike without a kickstand!
- You requested breakfast at The Bar on Main with just you + mama. Of course you had ‘Avery J’s tacos’ because he’s your jam. Mama had Breakfast Tacos, and then you said I could share yours as well. I didn’t argue.
- When we got home, you opened your gifts we got you. Your favorite gift was the rollerblades, and secretly I think it’s because you want to play hockey like Avery and Jace.
- Then, Daddy took you and the girls to live your best life picking out the goods at the Dollar Store. Yes, it’s one of your current fave past times.
- The day was rainy and cold, so we all cuddled up in our room so you could watch Titanic – or a version of it – sorry, Mama fell asleep.
- Later in the afternoon your friend came over to play for a couple hours before dinner.
- You requested dinner at El Tequila because you knew they would sing you a fun happy birthday, with the sombrero and put whipped cream on your face. It was a big family dinner with all of us, your friend, Grandma and Grandpa Hoffman, Grandma Nancy, and John and Ashton.
- Though Kayla called it Mama’s “Pinterest fail,” I did a bang-up job on your birthday cake. Since you wanted a DQ ice cream cake, I got one that looked like water. I then stuck a speedboat in halfway (to look like it was sinking), and wrote “My heart will go on…..” Yes, Titanic, Titanic, Titanic – it’s your obsession, currently anyways.
- When we got home, you and Samarah played with your new Titanic boats in the bathtub, and then – fairly late, you fell asleep.
Today at eight, here is what you’re like:
- Super strong in your convictions.
- Argumentative to exhaustion.
- Particular.
- Imaginative with fantastic storytelling skills.
- Highly interested in computers, phones, anything electronic and with many parts and pieces.
- Straight-forward.
- Hilarious.
- Musical.
- Big, big eater!
Does this look like last year’s list?!
It sure does; you are Isaiah Taylor Hoffman to a ‘T.’
But here are some more things about your current life:
- You’re still obsessed with cars, trucks, and knowing who drives what and when you might see them out and about.
- If you could live on a pontoon, you would.
- You now enjoy having your hair updated to the 9’s; when it gets too long, you make sure we get you in for a cut ASAP.
- If you could be in charge of everyone and anyone 24/7, that would be your preference.
- You are the best and biggest helper in this entire house; the girls don’t hold a candle to you!
- You’ve taken after mommy and daddy’s adventurous eating patterns. There is nothing you won’t try!
- Ms. Molly and Ms. Meghan are your faves at school.
- You pack your backpack far too full on the daily with 2 computers, an iPad, phone covers, and whatever else you can sneak in there. None of them work, except Mama’s Chromebook, but you don’t care.
- Your fave place to go is the Selviks. You recently got to ride on the tractor with Clint and cruise on the Ranger with Jace and Kayla. Livin’ your best little life, always.
Your BIG F#$%##@ Heart
You know what you told me at dinner tonight?
In your sweetest voice, you leaned over and said, “Thank you.”
I said, “For what, buddy?”
And you said, “For everything.”
I have no idea how you have such a big heart for such a little man.
But you sure do.
My relationship with you blossomed to an incredible point, for which I thank GOD for every. single. day.
There are complexities in our lives, Zay, that you can’t see yet and that the outside world knows nothing about.
But honestly? It’s within these everyday complexities that I know God gave us exactly what WE needed – what we ALL needed.
You are the grace that I will forever be thankful for.
I love you without conditions and certainly unending.
p.s. Your birthday post needed at least one picture. So here it is, the ‘Pinterest Fail.”

Love always, Mama
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